Integrating Thinking
Integrating Thinking


Articles and Links: Papers, Information Sheets, Web-sites, Organisations, Books and Research. 

Papers and information sheets by Christine Payard (PhD):

Neuro Developmental Education:  What it is and Why? (2018) By Christine Payard, 2018.  Information Sheet

Sit Properly. Sit Still. Concentrate and Learn (Revised 2024)    by Christine Payard. Information Sheet

Primitive and Postural Reflexes and Behavioural Optometry (2013) by Christine Mensinga-Payard. Paper presented at the Australian College of Behavioural Optometrists National Conference, Brisbane, 2013.

Articles/radio interviews and other Sally Goddard Blythe resources and links:

Lost in the System – the Need for Improved Cross-disciplinary Training and Cooperation  by Sally Goddard Blythe in School Days Magazine.com, March 2015, Source:  http://www.schooldaysmagazine.com/lost-in-the-system—need-for-improved-cross-disciplinary–training-and-cooperation.html

The Right to Move, Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning. by Sally Goddard Blythe Source: http://www.ecswe.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/QOC3-Chapter-1.pdf (The European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education)  
“This chapter is based on a verbal presentation given to the Quality of Childhood Group in the European Parliament in May 2011 by Sally Goddard Blythe and hosted by MEP Edward McMillan-Scott.”

BBC Radio Interview with Sally Goddard Blythe (approx 4 minutes)  ‘Many primary school pupils lack basic motor skills’:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-13631400

Additional research can be found on:  http://www.inpp.org.uk/research-publications/.  

Additional websites and information from practitioners and others working in this field & a bit about them:

INPP UK:  This website is the site of INPP International and provides links to the current work and material produced by Sally Goddard Blythe.  Sally is the Director of INPP International and author of many books (see below) that have informed the work of many practitioners working in this field of human development and educational/functional intervention.

ACBO:  The Australian College of Behavioral Optometrists is a great place to obtain more information regarding Vision care professionals who specialise in developmental vision and how it supports learning and function at any age.  This group of practitioners are Australian Optometrists who specialise in visual systems while acknowledging the whole body works together to support learning and function.

GYMBAROO AND KINDYROO: The programmes developed by Gymbaroo and Kindyroo help children to experiment with and learn about their bodies using a range of dynamic and static activities.  Programmes range from birth to 5 years old and focus on social, physical and emotional development which supports learning.  Play is the work of children.  The purposeful and directed play provided by Gymbaroo and Kindyroo programmes help provide a fun based process that encourages age-appropriate developmental movement to support function and learning.  Franchises for Gymbaroo and Kindyroo are located around Australia.  This is a great, proactive way that supports physiological development for children and their parents/caregivers.

INPP Australia:  This website provides details of the INPP Program and providers in Australia.  It lists licensed practitioners who are committed to ongoing learning and improving their professional practice.  INPP Licentiates work together to promote this aspect of work and support intervention strategies to enhance body function and learning potential for children and adults.  INPP Australia Licentiates are affiliated with a global network of multi-disciplinary practitioners including Educators, Psychologists, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Osteopaths, Doctors, Nurses, Optometrists and Vision Therapists who share a passion for including the body and its function in learning and performance. 

If you know of any other websites and organisations that can be listed on this site, please contact us for consideration, revision and inclusion on this resources page.

*Note:  Integrating Thinking does not receive any financial support or contributions from organisations listed on this resource page.

Books by Sally Goddard Blythe

Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning

Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning is a substantially revised and expanded edition of a long-established INPP training manual that has been consistently proven in practice. The package includes tests for children, a developmental movement programme, and online access to INPP video training materials.

Neuromotor Immaturity in Children and Adults: The INPP Screening Test for Clinicians and Health Practitioners

Screening test for Physicians – Signs of Neuromotor Immaturity in children and adults A simple screening tool designed to help general practitioners, paediatricians and doctors in child development units to identify children and adults who present with signs of neuromotor immaturity but who do not fit into any recognised diagnostic category.

A book review of this publication by a chiropractor can be found on this link: http://hubpages.com/health/Book-Review-Sally-Goddard-Blythe-Neuromotor-Immaturity-in-Children-and-Adults

The Genius of Natural Childhood

Many children are just not ready for school at age 5. One reason may be that busy parents have abandoned nursery rhymes, bedtime stories, singing lullabies and playing with their children. Sally Goddard Blythe uses neuroscience to show just why such ‘old fashioned ways’ are the secrets of thriving children.

Attention, Balance and Coordination – the A, B, C of Learning Success (Second Edition)

In Attention, Balance and Coordination, Sally Goddard Blythe explores the physical basis for learning. She explains the importance of early reflexes, their functions in early development, and their effects on learning and behaviour if retained. Goddard Blythe also investigates the possible effects that these early reflexes have on other aspects of development.

What Babies and Children Really Need

How Mothers and Fathers can nurture children’s growth for health and well-being. New publication is now available. This book represents a milestone in our understanding of child development and what parents can do to provide their children with the best start in life.

The Well Balanced Child

Movement and Early Learning The Well-Balanced Child is a passionate manifesto for the importance of movement in early years’ education. Concern about the increasingly sedentary lifestyle of young children is reaching unprecedented levels. Around a third of British children are overweight, reflecting the decline of traditional outdoor pursuits in favour of electronic games and television.


Reflexes, Learning and Behaviour

New and updated edition of ‘A Teacher’s Window into the Child’s Mind’ This unique and brilliant book explores the physical basis of learning difficulties, dyslexia, dyspraxia, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), with particular focus on the role of abnormal reflexes and the effect upon subsequent development.






Integrating Thinking